The Basics

Creating A New Friend!

To start your Pixel Pet journey, from the main Menu click on the "New Pet" button

You can setup your pets color with the two provided sliders! The color Slider will change your pets color while the brightness slider will make the chosen color lighter or darker.

Give your pet a cool name and then finish the creation process by pressing the "Create Pet" button.

Pet Interactions

This is the main screen where you will interact with your pet:

As you can see, there are a couple things other then your pet on this screen. In the top left, you have its food bowl, which you will need to fill. Your pet will automatically walk to the food bowl and eat when it is hungry if the bowl is full. The trash can is where you can drag and drop its poop when it goes to the bathroom. Keeping it fed and clear of poop is important to your pets health! The last portion is the tab on the right. Pressing this tab opens the toolbox:

The toolbox holds some important items. Here is were you will find pet food, which you can drag and drop into the bowl. There is also a brush, which can be dragged across your pet to clean it a small amount. Scrub your pet well until he is sparkling clean! The last item is the treat. Give this to your pet if you'd like to make them happy! It will also make him a little less hungry.

The other icons inside the toolbox are ways to navigate to other parts of the app. The top left icon goes to the statistics screen, top right to the game selection screen, bottom left to the inventory, and bottom right to the shop.

The last thing to worry about after keeping your pet clean and fed is to keep them happy and content. If you tap your pet, your pet will gain happiness! Make sure to give your pet love often, or else it will become sad!


The statistics screen gives you a straight forward breakdown of your pet's current status.

Each bar tells you something about your pet:

  • Health: This stat is how health your pet is feeling. If your pet gets sick, is hungry for too long, or lives in too much filth, this stat will go down. If your pet's health reaches zero then they will DIE! Make sure to take care of them as best you can so they will live a healthy full life!
  • Hunger: This bar is how hungry your pet is feeling. The less hunger your pet feels the better. It will continuously rise over time and when 
  • Happy: This represents how happy your pet is. Happiness is important if you want your pet to do tricks for you.
  • Clean: Keeping your pet clean will keep it safe from illness. The dirtier the pet, the more likely it is to get sick.
  • Energy: Your pet has a finite amount of waking energy like we all do and when it runs out it will go to sleep to replenish its energy. While asleep your pet will not feel any more hungry or feel the need to go to the bathroom any more.  
  • Digest: This bar will progress until your pet needs to go to the bathroom. When the meter fills, your pet will go to the bathroom and you will need to clean up its poop.
Other parts of this screen are a reference of certain abilities that your pet will learn. Perks are learned each time a Pet grows into its next level of maturity. Tricks can be purchased in the shop with Pixel Pet coins.

The button with the blue menu icon will navigate you back to the Pixel Pet main menu. The back button will bring you back to the main pet interaction screen.


The tricks screen is where you may select which tricks you would like your pet to be able to perform while in the pet interaction screen.

There are 3 types of tricks your pet can learn and each correspond to a swipe direction:
  • Up: You may get your pet to use the selected trick in this category by swiping up on your pet in the main pet interaction screen.
  • Side: These tricks can be used by swiping to the side on top of your pet in the main pet screen.
  • Down: These tricks require you to swipe down over the pet for the pet to complete the selected trick.
A pet may only perform one trick per category while in the main screen. If you would like to see another trick of the same category you will need to select it by touching the desired trick. 


The shop is where you may buy coins off of the app store, and spend your coins on items which can be helpful for keeping your pet fed, awake, and healthy

Some basic helpful items are:
  • Auto-Feeder: This item will automatically keep the bowl full for 15 uses. The pet will continuously go to the bowl as normal and eat, but you will not need to manually fill the bowl with new food. Once the all 15 charges are used, the bowl will revert to a normal bowl.
  • Auto-Trashcan: This item will automatically clean up any poops your pet makes 15 times. The Auto-Trashcan will move to where your pet poop is and remove it then go back to its starting position! Once the all 15 charges are used, the Auto-Trashcan will revert to a normal trash can.
  • Pet Medicine: This item will cure a sick pet and heal some of a pet's health.
  • Lightning in a Can: A item which can give your pet extra energy for when you want to wake them up or keep them awake!
  • Magic Potion: This will set all your pets stats to their optimal value, cure all sickness, and can even bring a dead pet back to life.
Trick and other vanity items can also be purchased from the shop!


The inventory stores most of the items purchased in the shop! It also includes any items unlocked or found by your pet.

Selecting an item and clicking the "Activate" button will use the item. For hats it will equip your pet with the given hat. For consumable items it will immediately take the given effect.

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